Monday, October 12, 2015

{MONDAY MOJO} Weddings, weddings, weddings!

Hello, friends!

It's been a minute since I've given my little blog some TLC! It's good to be back...

I've been busy planning and setting up weddings around London, managed to get myself involved in a couple of different projects in the meantime, hopped to Paris for a few days for the greatness that is the AFROPUNK Festival, took a well-deserved holiday in Tunisia, and started a new professional venture. All and all, summer has been busy and an absolute blast for most parts.

I've planned and organised a few weddings at Tower Bridge this year (being the Venue Manager for weddings), a discovery for me as a wedding venue and a brand new opportunity to sprinkle my magic as a Wedding Planner. I couldn't really figure out what it is with this iconic venue that I liked but I took on the challenge and it's been a wonderful journey.
Tower Bridge is not only one of the most famous bridges in the world, it has this thing of completely transforming itself at night into the perfect location for sumptuous weddings.

Chinese-inspired reception setting with hand written place cards & menus
Ceremony set-up on the Walkways
From small ceremonies to large receptions, Tower Bridge has hidden gems! Primarily, it is licensed in the North Tower Lounge and half of the Walkways but event-goers can use the whole bridge if they want to -I call it the real the Tower Bridge experience. If you are lucky enough to have your wedding take place there, you'll be able to enjoy London by night atop the Walkways which boast stunning views of the city, with an added buzz with the glass floors (if you are brave enough!): it is quite simply sensational!

I have since moved on to new ventures and no longer manage weddings at Tower Bridge but it was a beautiful experience to show some of the best parts of this venue. I have learned it from every corner and showed it to clients who were wowed from start to finish, and who I had the pleasure to work with to transform their magical unions. I have toasted to special celebrations of love, ran through the many staircases to set-up beautiful receptions, and coordinated florists & staff to provide the most professional service... And I enjoyed every step of the way!

Intimate ceremony in the North Tower Lounge

I must say that I have neglected blogging altogether as Instagram & Tumblr have been the 2 platforms I've been active on to share my work. Post #WedBizHour conversations (happening every Tuesday on Twitter) with fellow industry peeps had me think about it twice. I love sharing my stories and realise that connecting takes many shapes and form, so blogging it is!

'Til the next time...

Friday, March 20, 2015

{Friday finds} 3 things that I loved this week

It's (finally) Friday, friends! We have been blessed with warm breezes and candy-coloured sunsets... Spring has finally arrived! the days are longer so there's plenty more time to be lurking around the web and gorge on the prettiness that fellow artists produce on a daily. I'm wrapping up the week with these 3 finds that I'm positive everyone will enjoy!

<3 Caribbean artist Brianna McCarthy has been on my favourites list for quite some time and her art mesmerises me! Her Instagram feed gives me life every day and EVERYONE should know about her and her beautiful art. Words can simply not do her justice, have a peek!

<3 'Local Milk' is a blog I have been revisiting many times as well. Not just because of Beth's impeccable style, amazing recipes, or incredible imageries, but her story got me. Go ahead and enjoy, she's got a lot to offer.

<3 As I've been spending a lot of time in bed due to illness, I've had to console myself with goodies from Bombay Duck! I mean, POLKA DOTS... need I say more? The good thing is that they are UK-based and offer a large range of items for everyone's tastes -my favourite online shop at the moment hands down!

VoilĂ ! I've also got some very exciting news coming your way very soon... Wait for it!

Monday, March 2, 2015

{MONDAY MOJO} Baking 'Blueberry bites'

Good morning, friends!

I had so much fun getting in the zone and baking on Sunday, I thought I would share my baking prowess. I stumbled upon this recipe via my favourite website Pinterest (of course) and I thought I'd give it a go because it's very simple and requires a little skill with the pie crust and cookie cutter. 

So, I am now happily presenting you my 'Blueberry bites'! They are basically impossible to mess up and really delicious, and I think that everyone should try. I had the most fun baking them and was really proud of the final product.

If you don't try, you don't get, right? Although when I saw the ease of this recipe I almost immediately set my intention on making it a reality, I always get second thoughts about trying something new. I'm my biggest judge and I'm harsh at myself. But every opportunity for me to outdo myself and battle an inner fear is a victory!

Bottom line, if you want to make people (and yourself) happy, try this:
  • Pre-heat your oven at 225 degrees
  • Roll out a refrigerated pie crust
  • Cut out 1 and half inch circles
  • Place a blueberry in middle, sprinkle with brown sugar
  • Fold your circle in a half moon shape
  • Egg wash your parcel thoroughly on both sides (mix 1 egg with a teaspoon of water for your mix)
  • Place on a baking parchment and bake for 10 minutes
  • serve warm with ice cream, custard, or simply on its own

I was also able to relax in the middle of planning weddings, baking, and hosting, and it's been a real bliss! I live in a peaceful area of London which my introvert soul is grateful for everyday. 

And I hope everyone had a lovely weekend as much as I did!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

{Wednesday wisdom} with the help of Desperate Housewives

I actually remembered this quote from a Desperate Housewives episode. For those who don't know, there's always a bit of wisdom from Mary-Alice at the end of each episode which leaves you with food for thoughts.
Those words resonated deeply with me and I have been thinking about my online presence a lot. I am the type of woman who always want deep connections. I am not a fan of socialising for the mere fact that I don't do small talk very well and I'm afraid to appear uninterested. I see each encounter as the beginning of a true relationship (even if the other person doesn't or it's not what always happens). That sentiment of abandonment doesn't sit right with me at all. That said, I don't think it's a bad thing at all and I do believe that as human beings we are perfectly imperfect creatures and that, too often, we choose to settle for the surface rather than go deeper into one another. I'm not going to ruminate on the impact that social media has on our interactive abilities, but it's worth pointing out that 'likes' have replaced hugs and we are OK about it.
This is the condition that draws us apart in my opinion and I am trying to work on staying away from the tech when I'm surrounded with people. My life has taken a sharp turn recently due to obsessing over what people say or do on social media rather than focusing on the important things outside of that context. Below is a quote of what I really wanted but could not express:

We need to learn how to connect again. Live our lives and talk about it with our peers first before our followers. When I lost my bank card just before Christmas I didn't reach out to my Tweeps, my girlfriend helped me out. When I had my operation and was bed-ridden I didn't ask my Instagram followers to bring me food or help me to the bathroom. When I received the news of a new job, I toasted the occasion with my best friend. When I moved houses I didn't take it to Facebook to announce it.
I love sharing my work online and be appreciated by fellow artists and creatives, some of my best conversations were even sparked from tweets I have posted. I love reading new things or looking at beautiful pictures of people doing their thing, but I'm struggling to find the right balance and not be sucked in by the virtual world.
It's time to switch off now. Understand that the person sitting in front of you is probably your biggest fan. Bask in each other's words. Gaze in each other's eyes. I have gained a lot from socialising online and I can never deny the fact that it has helped me feel more confident and open relationships, business opportunities and collabos. It has connected me to people I enjoy interacting with regularly. But it has also made me miss crucial moments and people that I can never get back.
I wouldn't disappear off of the radar for it has been a wonderful and interesting journey, and I'm thankful for all the connections I have made so far! Let's swap online convos for chats over hot cocoas, shall we?

Monday, February 9, 2015

{MONDAY MOJO} Catching up on my blogging + chocolate macarons!

It's been a while since I last put words on Blogger! Life gets her way sometimes and the best you can do is live it. I have been taking care of a few things in the meantime, got a new job, a new home, turned 30 (!) and also been through a lot personally. I have missed writing despite not being your typical regular blogger, and sharing my thoughts and work is very cathartic to me... let's get the ball rolling!

We have entered a brand new year and I have concocted a few things to keep me afloat and let my creative juices do the work. To start off, I was really excited to jump on a train and get to my favourite city in the world to spend some quality family time for a few days -Paris has my heart the way no other cities does!

After a day of catching up with my beautiful nieces and keeping up with my sister's stories, we decided to get in the kitchen and do what we love doing most: get creative. She's herself an amazing artist and baker and it was our first time trying to make macarons, in fact baking altogether! We had seen a few recipes online and we decided to go for the one we already had all the ingredients for, a simple way to avoid going out in the freezing cold! The issue with our delicious treats is that there are so many recipes out there that it's very difficult pointing at the one that will give you smooth biscuits with a rich ganache in the middle. We clearly failed at our attempt but it was really fun working together, and it actually tasted really yummy! Neither of us were really bothered about the way they looked in the end, it was all about making the most out of the little time we had together. And to be fair, they still tasted delish.
Disclaimer: this, by no means, reflects our talents as bakers! There's always a time when things just don't work out and you have to be OK with that. And also, if you have a recipe that works, holla!
... and on to the next recipe! (or the nearest boulangerie?)


Family time is SO important. I haven't been lucky to start off with but I have managed to build my own and so fortunate for the people who make it. I have basking in my baby niece's smile for 3 days straight and it was a pure delight -the overload of selfies can prove it! I really look forward to my family getting bigger, hopefully soon!

Until the next time, friends...